Base has slowed considerably.

Using OOO320m19 (Build:9505) on Ubuntu 10.10 with Java 1.6.0_20

There are a few small tables I used routinely, largest less than 1,000 rows,
width 12 columns.

It used to be that opening Base, then a table, then clicking the "end of
table" navigator caused the last row in the table to display almost

Now and for the last few months the open table action results in the table
window being drawn but only half the rows are displayed for several seconds
then the full compliment of rows is displayed.  Clicking the "end of table"
navigator always causes the table window to become shaded and non responsive
for 15 - 20 seconds (by the stop watch) before the end of the table is

There have been both Ubuntu and OOo updates that have been downloaded and
applied and I use the subject table periodically so I cannot be certain
exactly what updates got applied before this behavior began.

All tables that act this way are native Base databases, that is to say they
are HSQL databases.

I also use the ODBC connector to occasionally review the information I've
collected in F-Spot for the more than 4,000 photos I have. If I use the ODBC
connector to open the F-Spot SQLite database navigation happens in a flash.
That is true for table open and any type of navigation. Same for sorting
columns and navigating queries.

So it seems clear the performance issue is with the embedded HSQL.

Are there any parameters I can provide anywhere in Base to speed up the
operation of HSQL? Does anyone believe there is another culprit causing the
poor performance and what might that be?

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