I am trying to install 2 template.zip folders on mother's computer.  She has 
Windows Vista on it.  The openoffice version is 2.3.  I have downloaded 2 zip 
file folders to the computer.  The computer is set up for 4 users so I must 
install them so all four users will be able to use them.  I was able to install 
them on my own personal computer.   Which uses Windows XP.   I installed them 
in the Documents and Settings-Owner-Application 
Data-OpenOffice.org-user-template directory.  With my mom's computer set up for 
4 users the file\folder system is a little different.  I do not see this folder 
  Documents and Settings-Owner-Application Data-OpenOffice.org-user-template 
directory.  I am according to the information where I got the template.zip 
files I am to put them in the openoffice.org/user/template directory.  Any help 
would on this problem would be appreciated.     

Please send a copy of the answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Thanks

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