
In this message I will try to explain the situation with bridged and host-only networks
and bridges and VLANs and bonding in OpenVZ/Virtuozzo.

It also covers the issues mentioned (and worked around) in


(I will refer to this message as [6788])

So, here we talk about bridged and host-only networks.


The host-only network is intended to connect only vm/ct interfaces, so
it does not have to be connected to a host network adapter.
To create it, it is necessary to have just a bridge. But in current implementation
of OpenVZ and libvirt, you need an adapter for the bridge to be used.

A host-only network is created by
> prlsrvctl net add XXX

So on creation of host-only bridge (named *virbrN*) the virtual interface virbrN-nic is created and connected to bridge. So the name of interface one may provide on
> prlsrvctl net add XXX -i <interface>
is *ignored*. Thus it is impossible to create a host-only network over specific
user-defined bridge using prlsrvctl (as in question referenced by [6788]).

There are two possibilities to achieve the effect you need:
1) Proposed in [6788]: create a host-only network without specifying interface,
and then change bridge name in libvirt config.

2) Create a fake interface (e.g. tun/tap) and connect it to a bridge
(in fact, virbrN-nic is a tun device itself).
Then you will be able to create a *bridged* network over this bridge using
> prlsrvctl net add XXX -i tun1 -t bridged
The tun device may be down, bridge (if up) will work, connecting the vm/ct interfaces.


The bridged network is intended to connect vm/ct interfaces to a host network adapter.
So you can provide an interface name, and OpenVZ will try to find a bridge
connected to this interface, and create a network over it
(the interface does not have to be a physical one; that was used in previous section).


The problem mentioned in message being replied is related to a bug in OpenVZ,
and must not reproduce now (prl-disp-service-7.0.321+).

An important notice about networks over vlan/bond interfaces is that interfaces
must be carefully configured (e.g. in ifcfg-* scripts).
Libvirt usually gathers information about these interfaces using a library called /netcf /(package /netcf-libs/ in my distro). So if you face some issues with bridged networks over vlan/bond interfaces, and you have /libnetcf.so.* /installed, you should check if > ncftool dumpxml <bridge> (may require installing /netcf/ package)
outputs correct configuration (mentions vlan/bond, not just ethernet).
If not, you should probably fix your configs.


Previously we used something like
to configure bridged networks for containers.
Now this evidently doesn't work.

I've tried to follow Virtuozzo 7 documentation (where bond0.100 is
interface for vlan 100 over bond0).

# prlsrvctl net add vlan100 -t bridged -i bond0.100
Failed to add Virtual Network vlan100: Operation failed. Failed to
execute the operation.

What am I doing wrong? How am I supposed to configure bridged network
for container?

I've tried to follow
https://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/users/2016-February/006788.html, but
it doesn't work for me, prlsrvctl net list doesn't see the network after

Your sincerely,
Maxim Perevedentsev

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