On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 11:15 -0800, Amba Giri wrote:
> Hello
> I have installed kernel 2.6.18-ovz-028stab051.1 as the 1st kernel to
> boot in GRUB.  It seemed to boot fine initally but today I find the
> following error when I boot:
> Loading,please wait...
> /scripts/local-top/lvm2: 68: tr: not found
> /scripts/local-top/lvm2: 68: sed: not found
> /scripts/local-top/lvm2: 67: sed: not found

Make sure tr and sed are installed?

> No volume groups found

It looks like one of your distro's init scripts uses tr and sed to
process the LVM configuration.  Because they fail it must assume there
are no volume groups.  You must have uninstalled those utilities
sometime between now and your last reboot and now the init script fails.
Boot from a rescue CD and reinstall those utilities.


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