Based on my experience - the OVA contains the xml and the actual disk of the
hosted engine.
Then the deployment starts locally the VM and populates the necessary data in it
Once it's over , the deployment shuts down and copies the disk of that local
VM, undefines it and then ovirt's ha agents are
Hi Strahil,
Yes, you are right.
After install ovirt-engine-appliance rpm, the ova file will be save at
I was trying to understand what the ova file included.
I thought it only has the CentOS7.6.
I observed that
If I'm not wrong, this rpm is being downloaded to one of the hosts during
self-hosted engine's deployment.Why would you try to import a second
self-hosted engine ?
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
В четвъртък, 11 юли 2019 г., 22:37:56 ч. Гринуич+3,
Can someone tell me how to
Can someone tell me how to generate ovirt-engine-appliance ova file in
I tried to import ovirt-engine-appliance
ova(ovirt-engine-appliance-4.3-20190610.1.el7.ova) from ovirt-engine, but I got
error as following:
Failed to load VM configu
I'm addding gluster-users as I'm not sure if you can go gluster v3 -> v6
Theoretically speaking , there should be no problem - but I don't know if you
will observe any issues.
Can someone share their thoughts about v3 to v6 migration ?
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolo
This could be the issue with your yum package.
Can you please try yum update. If you will get same error then probably you
need to update your yum pkg.
On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 2:03 PM wrote:
> Upadte01:
> I tried to add another new host,some errors occurred:
> 1st:
> An error has occurred during
We have a 4.2.8 environment with some managed gluster-volumes as storage
domains and we want to go up to 4.3.5.
How is that procedure especially with the gluster nodes in ovirt that
are running 3.12.15? My fear is on the jump to gluster 6. Do the cluster
work if the first node (of thr
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for the assistance.
On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:58 AM Sharon Gratch wrote:
> Hi,
> Regarding issue 1 (Dashboard):
> Did you upgrade the engine to 4.3.5? There was a bug fixed in version
> 4.3.4-5 and it may be
> the same issu
Regarding issue 1 (Dashboard):
Did you upgrade the engine to 4.3.5? There was a bug fixed in version
4.3.4-5 and it may be
the same issue.
Regarding issue 2 (Manual Migrate dialog):
Can you please attach your browser console log and engine.l
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of the oVirt
4.3.5 Fifth Release Candidate for testing, as of July 11th, 2019.
While testing this release candidate please consider deeper testing on
gluster upgrade since with this release we are switching from Gluster 5 to
Gluster 6.
Hi everyone,
Just an update.
I have both hosts upgraded to 4.3, I have upgraded my DC and cluster to 4.3
and I'm still faced with the same problems.
1.) My Dashboard says the following "Error! Could not fetch dashboard data.
Please ensure that data warehouse is properly installed and configured."
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