I'm trying to clone the snapshot into a new vm. The tool I am using is 
ovirtBAckup from the github wefixit-AT The link is here 

this piece of code snippet throws me error.

if not config.get_dry_run():
    api.vms.add(params.VM(name=vm_clone_name, memory=vm.get_memory(), 
cluster=api.clusters.get(config.get_cluster_name()), snapshots=snapshots_param))
    VMTools.wait_for_vm_operation(api, config, "Cloning", vm_from_list)
    print 'hellooooo'
logger.info("Cloning finished")

The above lines are from the 325 line number of backup.py of the github.

I am getting error as

!!! Got a RequestError: 
status: 409
reason: Conflict
detail: Cannot add VM. The VM is performing an operation on a Snapshot. Please 
wait for the operation to finish, and try again.
How can i further debug the code to know what is happening wrong in my 
program.I am new to python please help me.
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