I migrated a hosted ovirt-engine to a standalone machine. To do so, I created a 
backup with scope=all and imported this back-up into a newly installed engine.

Everything was working fine. Not much later, I made a mistake and wanted to 
start over, so I decided to do an engine-cleanup and re-import my back-up.

However, when I perform the engine-cleanup, I get this error message:

    [ ERROR ] It seems that you are running your engine inside of the 
hosted-engine VM and are not in "Global Maintenance" mode.
         In that case you should put the system into the "Global Maintenance" 
mode before running engine-setup, or the hosted-engine HA agent might kill the 
machine, which might corrupt your data.

This is not true. The engine is now running as a standalone server.

There must be a config parameter somewhere in a config file or in the database 
that tells the engine what mode it is running in, but I haven't found it yet.

I can't find any documentation for this issue, all migration guides tell you 
how to migrate from standalone to hosted engine, not the other way around.

How can I fix this?
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