Re: qpidd C++ broker memory leak on Redhat 6.8?

2018-03-05 Thread jbelch
Unfortunately, we only have 6.8 available. I will see if there is anyway to get a RHEL7 machine setup. -- Sent from: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...

Re: qpidd C++ broker memory leak on Redhat 6.8?

2018-03-05 Thread jbelch
Any other thoughts? It doesn't seem to be an issue on earlier versions of glibc. Is that correct? If so, is there an OS patch or something? We may have to abandon the qpid broker and go to something else if we can't figure this out. -- Sent from:

Re: qpidd C++ broker memory leak on Redhat 6.8?

2018-02-28 Thread jbelch
I ran overnight and the leak still appears to be present after setting the MALLOC_ARENA_MAX environment variable. -- Sent from: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-u

Re: qpidd C++ broker memory leak on Redhat 6.8?

2018-02-27 Thread jbelch
Thanks. I will try it and let you know if it works. -- Sent from: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: u

qpidd C++ broker memory leak on Redhat 6.8?

2018-02-27 Thread jbelch
I have used the qpidd C++ broker on several projects over the years. I started using 0.7 about 6 years ago, used 0.20 about 4 years ago, and I am currently using 0.34. I have noticed a memory leak when running on the system. qpidd starts out at about 10mb resident memory and the resident memory

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
But how does the old "MASTER" that failed know what port to connect to as the HelperHostPort? Is the new HelperHostPort the new "MASTER":5001 even though the jconsole still displays it as the old "MASTER". -- View this message in context:

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
Thanks for the detailed response. In the case where my master node fails, I can set the DesignatedPrimary flag to true in the Replica node. I see the NodeState transition to "MASTER". In the original configuration, the replica node was pointing to the master host's 5001 port for the HelperHostP

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
We are using Java Broker .20. Would there be any reason it would not work in .20 but may work in .22? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at N

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
There is a DbGroupAdmin class that comes with BerkeleyDB that allows for a master transfer. Should we use this instead of trying to set attributes on the BDBHAMessageStore bean? -- View this message in context:

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
Both nodes in the cluster are running. First node comes up as Master, second node comes up as Replica. I was trying to swap the roles with both nodes running. I thought I would be able to tell the master to become the replica and replica to become the master. In our production environment, we w

Re: Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-06 Thread jbelch
Keith, I can successfully set the DesignatedPrimary attribute to true on the passive node and nothing changes. It still thinks the original master is the master. The NodeState attribute never changes when I toggle the DesignatedPrimary back and forth. I also attempted to set the DesignatedPri

Re: Automatic queue cleanup

2013-08-05 Thread jbelch
Rob, When you say the Broker will evict the messages, what exactly happens behind the scenes? Does it evict the messages from the heap and also delete from the Berkeley DB store? Do it evict the messages from the heap and retain the message in the Berkeley DB store so that the peristent messa

Re: Automatic queue cleanup

2013-08-05 Thread jbelch
We do persist some queues using Berkeley DB, but we don't want to persist everything, so it sounds like we may need to start setting ttl on all of our messages. We currently have ttl set on most of the messages but not all the messages. Once we have it set on everything, it sounds like that shoul

Re: Automatic queue cleanup

2013-08-05 Thread jbelch
Keith, We have increased it to 2GB in the qpid-server. We could continue to increase it, but we wanted to figure out if there was a way to get the Qpid broker to cleanup. We are using Berkeley DB as the message store and we only have two queues marked as durable right now. The errors I see righ

Automatic queue cleanup

2013-08-05 Thread jbelch
In our test environment, we bring applications up and down quite a bit. Sometimes we will leave applications that are producing Qpid messages up for an extended period of time and we may or may not have the Qpic client applications up a running. When we do this, we notice that the Java Broker wil

Qpid Java Broker - Master Failure and Recovery

2013-08-01 Thread jbelch
In your High Availability documentation for the Java Broker, section " - Depictions of cluster operation" has a section called "Master Failure and Recovery" which describes the sequence of events for a master failover and the replica taking over the master's role. One of the items states th

Re: JMX interface with Java Broker .20

2013-08-01 Thread jbelch
I was missing the jar. I can now see the bean in jconsole. Thanks for the quick response. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at ---

Re: JMX interface with Java Broker .20

2013-08-01 Thread jbelch
My active node's configuration looks like the following: test ${QPID_WORK}/bdbhastore/eutilrhs1 ReplicationGroup eutilrhs1 eutilrhs1:5001 e

JMX interface with Java Broker .20

2013-07-31 Thread jbelch
I was reading the "Qpid JMX API for HA" section today at and it looked like it would be fairly simple to get Berkeley DB state infomration using the JMX Java API. I can get information from other M

Re: Durable Last Value Queue

2013-07-30 Thread jbelch
I got it working. The virtualhosts.xml didn't like have multiple Berkeley DB store entries under different environments. I put it under the test environment only and it had no problems reloading the messages. Thanks for the quick response. The LVQ quote was from an older C++ word document and I

Re: Durable Last Value Queue

2013-07-30 Thread jbelch
It looks like Berkeley DB is storing the messages in the .jdb binary file. When I cycle the broker, I see the following WARN messages in the log: Message id 1 in log references queue with id ea4Id34a-352c-329d-a877-485b02215a7b which is not in the configuration, entry will be discarded Message i

Re: Durable Last Value Queue

2013-07-30 Thread jbelch
Is there a JMS property to set on the message to make the message durable? In the C++ code, I found a qpid::messaging::Message.setDurable flag that doesn't seem to be persisting the data. I am using Berkeley DB as the message store. -- View this message in context: http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabb

Re: Durable Last Value Queue

2013-07-30 Thread jbelch
I added the following to virtualhosts.xml TestQueue true TestKey true I didn't realize the durable flag was outside fo the TestQueue element. I moved it inside the TestQueue element and it works. Sorry for the inconvenience. -- View this me

Durable Last Value Queue

2013-07-30 Thread jbelch
I am using Qpid Java Broker .20 and I am trying to persist messages for a last value queue. I set the "durable" flag to true cycled the broker. When I went to the management console, I noticed that the durable flag on the queue was still set to false. I then came across the following statement "

Java Broker High Availability Documentation and C++ clients

2013-07-01 Thread jbelch
We are going to use the active/passive mode of operation along with Berkeley DB to support our high availability design. On top of that, we were thinking of using Redhat Cluster software to monitor the two machines and assign a virtual IP to whichever machine is the true "active". In your Java Bro

Re: Ruby clients and C++ broker

2013-06-13 Thread jbelch
The ruby client API we are using came with the .20 version of Qpid. Thanks for the quick response. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at --

Ruby clients and C++ broker

2013-06-12 Thread jbelch
I was looking at the "Interop table by AMQP specification version" table on the Qpid home Page. It only has the Ruby client listed as begin compatible with AMQP spec 0-10 and not with AMQP 1.0. Is there a configuration parameter or makefile flag to run the C++ broker as either AMQP version. The