Re: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-07 Thread loremIpsum1771
I ran the command cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" C:\\Downloads\qpid-cpp-0.34 as per the install instructions for windows and I got this log output: at the end of which the message: No DOTNET binding support ava

RE: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-06 Thread loremIpsum1771
I'm not sure. I just tried deleting the cache from the CMake GUI and I then re-ran: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" C:\Users\I664761\Downloads\qpid-cpp-0.34 but the filepath seems to still be the same. I have both Cmake and Boost in my downloads folder and I can't move them to program files becau

RE: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-06 Thread loremIpsum1771
Ok I tried deleting the environment variable for BOOST_ROOT and creating it again as it is currently set to C://Downloads/boost_1_61_0 but for some reason, whenever I run CMake, I still get the same error with the same file path showing up so I'm not really sure what's going on. I also tried runnin

Re: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-06 Thread loremIpsum1771
Oh ok, it seems that those missing packages are in fact not causing a problem. For some reason though, it seems that CMake is able to find only some of the Boost libraries, but not others: I created the BOOST_ROOT environment

Re: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-05 Thread loremIpsum1771
Yes, "" is just being used as a placeholder. I created a new builds/qpid directory on the C drive and then ran the command: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" C:\Users\I664761\Downloads\qpid-cpp-0.34 after doing which I got the following error log: https://gist.githu

Re: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-05 Thread loremIpsum1771
I just tried this: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\\Downloads\qpid-cpp-0.34\bindings\qmf2\examples\cpp\install_dir and I got this error: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:73 (install): install FILES given no DESTINATION! -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! -

Re: Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-05 Thread loremIpsum1771
Thanks for the response. I wasn't sure exactly where to put the install directory so I made an empty one within the cpp directory. I then ran the following command: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = C:\\Downloads\qpid-cpp-0.34\bindings\qmf2\examples\cpp\install_dir I then g

Issue when using CMake to install Qpid broker

2016-07-01 Thread loremIpsum1771
I'm currently going through the process of installing the Qpid broker on Windows. I've already installed cmake, boost, and python and I've added the environmnet variable for the root of the Boost directory. I'm now at the step where Qpid client is to be build from a source distribution (Visual Stud