Qpid C++ Broker Decoder.cpp bug?

2017-08-10 Thread mottese
I've been conducting some testing and it seems that ocasionally the C++ message broker is getting a bad message and failing to parse it. The line from the broker log looks like this: [System] debug Exception constructed: Out of Bounds: request advance of 4294967295 at 55 but only 255 available (..

Re: QMF Request from Qpid JMS

2017-06-07 Thread mottese
Chris Richardson wrote > Hi mottese, > > I think I've actually read your post properly this time ;) > You might find some info in this post from last December (this assumes > you're using the C++ broker): > http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/Qpid-QMF-with-qpid-jms-

QMF Request from Qpid JMS

2017-06-07 Thread mottese
I am using JMS 0.11.1 (Have to use Java 7) and was wondering how I can use QMF to get a list of bindings from the broker. Using C++ I would have done: Sender s = session.createSender("qmf.default.direct/broker"); Message request; request.setContentType("amqp/map");

Re: C++ Messaging API: getReceiver(topic/subject)

2017-06-01 Thread mottese
Gordon Sim wrote > Actually, I need to qualify this a little. The above is accurate for > AMQP 0-10. For AMQP 1.0 it is similar but slightly different. The name > of the receiver is the name of the underlying AMQP 1.0 link. You can > specify this explicitly in the address (e.g. 'amq.topic/mySubj

Re: C++ Messaging API: getReceiver(topic/subject)

2017-06-01 Thread mottese
Chris Richardson wrote > I think you might mean to use createReceiver (to create a new > receiver), not getReceiver (to get an existing one). Note the > documentation for the getReceiver call specifies "@exception KeyError > if there is none for that name." Apologies, my question was a little uncl

C++ Messaging API: getReceiver(topic/subject)

2017-06-01 Thread mottese
Hi, I'm trying to use getReceiver, but am not getting the results I'm expecting. For example, this is what I'm doing: Session session = con.getSession(); Address addr("amq.topic/mySubject"); session.createReceiver(addr); ... ... Receiver r = session.getReceiver("amq.topic/mySubject");

Re: Using QMF to know about consumers in a topic exchange

2017-05-26 Thread mottese
Gordon Sim wrote > If you run with > QPID_LOG_ENABLE=trace+ it should give some more insight into what was > going wrong over 1.0. I turned on trace+, but all I seem to be seeing is a whole bunch of the same message: [Broker] trace Dispatching to xxx#_yyy: 0 [Broker] trace Can't del

Re: Using QMF to know about consumers in a topic exchange

2017-05-26 Thread mottese
Gordon Sim wrote > Does your broker (and/or client) have AMQP 1.0 enabled? When I start up the broker it says: [Broker] info Loaded protocol amqp1.0 I will mess around with it a bit more to see if I can find anything else going on. -- View this message in context: http://qpid.2158936.n2.na

Re: Using QMF to know about consumers in a topic exchange

2017-05-26 Thread mottese
I'm running that test program, but I noticed that I never receive a response. I modified the connection to be: Connection c(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "localhost"); //, "{protocol:amqp1.0}"); And that worked. Any idea why this would change things? -- View this message in context: http://qpid.215

Using QMF to know about consumers in a topic exchange

2017-05-26 Thread mottese
Hi, Suppose I have a consumer listening to amq.topic/mySubject. Can I use QMF to tell if I have a consumer listening to that address? Right now I am trying to use a message formatted like this: Message request; request.setReplyTo(replyToAddress); request.setProperty("x-amqp-0-10.app-i

Qpid C++ Client, nextReceiver, and subjects

2017-04-25 Thread mottese
Hi, Right now I'm using Qpid 1.36.0 with AMQP1.0 enabled and I want to have multiple receivers all on the same topic: amq.topic/subject1 amq.topic/subject2 ... amq.topic/subjectn When looking at the source code, it looks like if I use nextReceiver(...), it only has the capability to return recei

RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Enabling AMQP 1.0 on Qpid C++ Broker

2017-03-31 Thread mottese
module is loaded, the broker log should print following message when starting: 2017-03-31 18:23:12 [Broker] info Loaded protocol AMQP 1.0 Thanks & Regards Jakub On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 8:14 PM, mottese <[hidden email]> wrote: > around the qpid-cpp and qpid-proton source, build, install

RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Enabling AMQP 1.0 on Qpid C++ Broker

2017-03-31 Thread mottese
s in /usr/lib64/qpid/daemon/ ... $ ls /usr/lib64/qpid/daemon/ amqp.so linearstore.so xml.so When the module is loaded, the broker log should print following message when starting: 2017-03-31 18:23:12 [Broker] info Loaded protocol AMQP 1.0 Thanks & Regards Jakub On Fri, Mar 31, 2017

Enabling AMQP 1.0 on Qpid C++ Broker

2017-03-31 Thread mottese
Hi, I have a Qpid JMS (1.11.1) client trying to connect to a Qpid C++ (1.36.0) broker. I recently recompiled my qpid broker alongside Qpid Proton and saw the message that AMQP 1.0 support was enabled. When my client tried to connect, they kept getting a "transport connection remotely closed" messag

Re: Using QMF to get information about consumers/producers

2017-02-28 Thread mottese
Do you know how I would obtain the incoming links? I'm trying to find out how, but I can't find very much doc on QMF. -- View this message in context: http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/Using-QMF-to-get-information-about-consumers-producers-tp7659741p7659748.html Sent from the Apache Qpid users

Re: Using QMF to get information about consumers/producers

2017-02-28 Thread mottese
Thanks for the quick reply. Incoming links sounds like what I am looking for. I am using AMQP 1.0, so that's not a problem. -- View this message in context: http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/Using-QMF-to-get-information-about-consumers-producers-tp7659741p7659745.html Sent from the Apache Qpid

Using QMF to get information about consumers/producers

2017-02-28 Thread mottese
Hi, I'm using the Qpid 1.36 C++ client and I'm trying to use QMF to get information about how many producers/consumers a queue has. Currently, I can get how many consumers a queue has by using this request: request.setReplyTo(receiver.getAddress()); request.setProperty("x-amqp-0-10.app-id"