Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread Gordon Sim
On 10/08/17 17:55, Robbie Gemmell wrote: I dont think any of the points on unsupported features below actually relate to what you are seeing, with it instead just being a difference in what the AMQP JMS Mapping does for passing JMS subscription details, versus the approach Service Bus is using/ex

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread Robbie Gemmell
The client isn't tested against RabbitMQ, the brokers current behaviour around the 'modified' disposition will essentially prevent them being used together for now. I filed an issue for it along with another last year when debugging some issues with a different client:

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread Robbie Gemmell
I dont think any of the points on unsupported features below actually relate to what you are seeing, with it instead just being a difference in what the AMQP JMS Mapping does for passing JMS subscription details, versus the approach Service Bus is using/expecting. >From what you outlined, it appea

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread 4 Integration
As in a post last week: and: "*amqp:modified:list is not currently supported by the plugin. As far as I can see,* *our test suite confirms this.*" / Joacim On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 3:10 PM, 4 Integration <4integrat...@gmai

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread 4 Integration
Correct (to my understanding). Also another drawback is that if you have two or more subscriptions (e.g. SUB-A and SUB-B for APP-A and APP-B) on the same topic there are no authorization on subscription level - only on topic. So APP-A can receive "subscribe" on SUB-B. Also missing wildcard subscrip

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread Gordon Sim
On 10/08/17 12:01, 4 Integration wrote: I have found the answer: It is not possible to create durable subscriptions dynamically with QPid/AMQ v1.0 due to: U

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-10 Thread 4 Integration
I have found the answer: It is not possible to create durable subscriptions dynamically with QPid/AMQ v1.0 due to: Unsupported features and restrictions The

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread 4 Integration
On the topic defined in Azure Service Bus "test.topic" I have a static subscription defined named "sub1". When publishing I use: env.put("topic.TOPIC", "test.topic"); When subscribing to "sub1" I have env.put("topic.TOPIC", "test.topic/Subscriptions/sub1"); The naming here seems required i.e. <>

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread Gordon Sim
On 08/08/17 12:37, Gordon Sim wrote: You could try a further experiment with another see if we can rule out one or other of these E.g. if it is easy to get proton python client, you could use the example with -a and see what t

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread Gordon Sim
On 08/08/17 12:46, 4 Integration wrote: /(Also, service bus appears to be sending the detach *before* echoing the attach, which is a protocol error)./ Just for clarification, that part was from a different run where the detach was before the attach. That is not the case on the latest trace.

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread 4 Integration
Additional input from Gordon: " *This looks like either there is no source called test.topic configured on the service bus, or it doesn't like the 'topic' capability. (You could try a further experiment with another see if we can rule out one or other of these).The ~15 seems to be coming from some

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread Gordon Sim
On 08/08/17 12:27, 4 Integration wrote: As suggested by Gordon => Running with env var PN_TRACE_FRM=1 and post the protocol trace you see. Configured a proper logger and got more details: This looks like either there is no source called test.topic configured on the service bus, or it doesn't

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread 4 Integration
As suggested by Gordon => Running with env var PN_TRACE_FRM=1 and post the protocol trace you see. Configured a proper logger and got more details: 2017-08-08T12:27:31.202 TRACE [org.apache.qpid.jms.transports.TransportSupport] - Getting SSLContext instance using protocol: TLS 2017-08-08T12:27:3

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread 4 Integration
Tested to change but the same error. //subscriber = subscriberSession.createDurableSubscriber(topic, "DurableSubscriber1"); subscriber = subscriberSession.createConsumer(topic); In the exception - what is "~15" characters? javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: The messaging ent

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread Gordon Sim
Does a non-durable subscription work? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-08 Thread 4 Integration
Thanks, I have updated the source but still get the same error. javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: The messaging entity 'my-namespace:topic:test.topic~15|test1' could not be found. TrackingId:12ecc2a3-f8f3-42a3-8bd5-ad5d9823c367_B20, SystemTracker:my-namespace:topic:test.topic~15|test1, Timest

Re: Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-07 Thread Timothy Bish
On 08/07/2017 09:26 AM, 4 Integration wrote: Hi, Testing QPid JMS (AMQP v1.0) with Azure Service Bus (SB). Trying to get durable subscriptions to work. I have created a topic in SB When starting my test app I get: javax.jms.JMSException: The messaging entity 'mynamespace:topic:test.topic~15|t

Create durable subscription to Azure Service Bus

2017-08-07 Thread 4 Integration
Hi, Testing QPid JMS (AMQP v1.0) with Azure Service Bus (SB). Trying to get durable subscriptions to work. I have created a topic in SB When starting my test app I get: javax.jms.JMSException: The messaging entity 'mynamespace:topic:test.topic~15|test1' could not be found. TrackingId:12ecc2a3-f