Thanks for the answer Rob,
actually I expected to get the same logging as in JMS client 0.9 or 0.10
(done with sfl4j).
The protocol logging in JMS client 1.0 is better than nothing but the
previous logging contained more information.
2014-07-20 17:21 GMT+02:00 Rob Godfrey :
Thank you for the answer Rob,
actually I expected to get the same logging as in JMS client 0.9 or 0.10 (done
with sfl4j).
The protocol logging in JMS client 1.0 is better than nothing but the previous
logging contained much more information.
E.g. correlationId and userId of the received and send
The JMS 1.0 client does have some AMQP protocol logging, for which it uses
for an example of how to turn that logging on.
Is this the s
Hi there,
in Qpid JMS AMQP 0.9 and 0.10 there was slf4j which could be used to get
logging information from the JMS client.
In 1.0 there is no logging at all. Will it be included again?