Hi, as many of us come from Flex and I'm used to using events like "enter" 
"show" "hide" "creationcomplete" ...
I am working with the jewel components, which I love, but it is difficult for 
me to understand the new way of working, with Royale (beads, strand ...) For 
example, I have a List that I open when I click on an image and the I want to 
close if you click "outside" but I can't get it ... I only manage to close it 
if I select an item.
Another problem I have is that I cannot position the list "above the button, it 
is always positioned vertically centered, maybe it has to do with what is 
inside the FooterBar ... can you give me a hand?

Some catch:
a) General display:


b) For you to see the elements in the list I have established a horizontal 

<j:BarSection itemsHorizontalAlign="itemsLeft">
                <j:HGroup gap="20" visible="true" visible.error="false" 
visible.init="false" visible.exit="false" visible.noinit="false">
                    <j:List id="dropDownList_LanManager" visible="false" 
style="color: #00000;"
dataProvider="{langModel.list}"  labelField="label"
                     change="lanManager_change(event)" >
                            <j:HorizontalLayout itemsExpand="true" />
                            <!-- <j:RequireSelection 
                    <j:Image id="langImage" visible="true" 


c) This is displayed with the vertical layout: (observe that it is cut in the 
4th item)


Any help will be welcome.
Thank you very much to all.

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