Hi Michael,

On Sun, 2018-09-09 at 09:35 +0200, Michael Erdmann wrote:
> ------ Forwarded Message --------
> From: Michael Erdmann <erdmann-ber...@t-online.de>
> Date: 09/09/2018 09:34:52
> Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Getting started but where is the promiseed fun ?
> To: users@sling.apache.org
> ".... The "-j" argument defines the control port, see [1]. Please
> leave it
> unset for a default value and the actual Sling content will be served
> on port 0808.
> this start up line seems to work at: http://localhost:8080/index.html
>  (using chrome)
>  java --add-modules java.se.ee -jar  org.apache.sling.starter-10.jar
> http://localhost:8080/index.html. Is some one going to update the
> documentation ?
> Thank you very much

Glad to hear it worked out!

I've updated the documentation at 


Hope that is enough.


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