First results here:

Categories are not searchable. The GUI is there but it does nothing.

The manual sync causes theses errors and does not work. The data is synced after some time so I think the "sync interval automatic sync" is working.

An error occurred executing the cmd_syncDirectory command: [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "children.hasMoreElements is not a function" {file: "chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js" line: 1650}]'[JavaScript Error: "children.hasMoreElements is not a function" {file: "chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js" line: 1650}]' when calling method: [nsIController::doCommand]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js :: goDoCommand :: line 123" data: yes] globalOverlay.js:126
    goDoCommand chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js:126
    oncommand chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/addressbook.xhtml:1

Uncaught TypeError: children.hasMoreElements is not a function
GetSyncNotifyGroupdavAddressbook chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js:1650 SynchronizeGroupdavAddressbook chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js:1744 SCSynchronizeFromChildWindow chrome://sogo-connector/content/addressbook/addressbook.groupdav.overlay.js:242
    doCommand chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/abCommon.js:210
    goDoCommand chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js:123
    oncommand chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/addressbook.xhtml:1
GetSyncNotifyGroupdavAddressbook chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js:1650 SynchronizeGroupdavAddressbook chrome://sogo-connector/content/general/sync.addressbook.groupdav.js:1744 SCSynchronizeFromChildWindow chrome://sogo-connector/content/addressbook/addressbook.groupdav.overlay.js:242
    doCommand chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/abCommon.js:210
    goDoCommand chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js:123
    oncommand chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/addressbook.xhtml:1


On 18.08.21 17:37, Lukas Wringer ( wrote:

I am testing it at the moment, the following I have found so far:

- There is no way to unsubscribe from address books
- The (non native) settings of address books are kinda broken ege. there is a read-only checkbox marked that can not be edited, renaming does not work
- Some texts on the ACL dialogs (calendar and address books) are missing

On the positive side, the ACLs of calendars seem to work better now, at least the read only calendar I have subscribed is marked as read only in Thunderbird to. On older Versions I had to fix that manually...

Greetings, Lukas

Am 18.08.21 um 16:54 schrieb
Hello Ludovic,
thanks for that! And it is not even Friday...
I build a package and it did install. Going to do some testing and get back.

Any chance that you will implement missing feature like these two with the Plugin?



On 18.08.21 16:02, Ludovic Marcotte ( wrote:

Changes to make the SOGo Connector extension work on Thunderbird v91 have been pushed to

There might be more changes required but you can start testing.


On 8/13/21, 7:00 AM, " on behalf of Ludovic Marcotte" < on behalf of> wrote:

     Hi Lukas,

     We'll start the work on Thunderbird v91 support for the SOGo Connector early next week.


     On 8/13/21, 6:52 AM, "Lukas Wringer (" < on behalf of> wrote:


         Thunderbird 91 has been released, and the CardDav Code is out of Beta (          hurray I guess?). So of course I went and test the SOGo Connector - I          made a fresh build today from the github repository installed it.

         And it does nothing. No sign whatsoever of the Plugin being active. No          buttons, no pop-up for credentials just nothing. The Only Error-Message
         is: Uncaught (in promise) Error: An unexpected error occurred

         Because I saw absolutely no development on github (for example aigainst          beta versions...) since the kinda working state for TB78 - Is the Plugin          still being developed or will you drop it in favor of the native
         Thunderbird features (which would be sad)?

         If the Plugin will see a new release for TB91, what features will be          available? Did you find a way to implement read-only address books
         and/or syncable lists?

         Greetings, Lukas Wringer

         Lukas Wringer

         Universität Augsburg
         Service & Support
         86135 Augsburg


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