OK, thanks!

Learning 1: There is actually no login into the ZEG-server needed, everything runs via the web-interface and can be managed from anywhere inside my LAN, good.

Learning 2: ZEG presumably messed up getting an IP-address from the DHCP-server: I was only successful after 2 reboots, since on the login screen of ZEG a wrong IP-address was displayed as follows:
Let's assume my router has the LAN-internal IP-address 123.456.789.1, ZEG asked me to connect to 123.456.1.30 for 2 times. This did not work. Upon login into the server with "sogo" / "sogo" I noted that the network connection did not work at all.
After the second reboot suddenly the IP-address changed to a plausible 123.456.789.34 and voila, everything works!

Thanks a lot!



Am 03.07.2012 10:40, schrieb oo...@front.ru:
As I have understood you, you should type http://ip_your_virtual_machine and
will go to SOGo WebGUI page.
You will able to see users and it passwords there.
Or you should add Exchange account to MS Outlook.
Anyway, there are at least 3 users to SOGo account login:
sogo1, sogo
sogo2, sogo
sogo3, sogo

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