This sounds like the same issue we were having. The fix we used is
posted on the iRedMail forum HERE [3]

Andrew McRory / SSA
Sayso Communications, Inc. 

On 2022-03-10 17:27, Jens Christian Skov wrote:

> Good day again, 
> Happy to let you know that I've been able to resolve this issue. 
> Turned out the latest nightly was causing a buffer issue in my Nginx proxy 
> running in front of SOGo. 
> Discovered the issue by debugging the website, and found a 502 response from 
> the proxy server when trying to log in. 
> In the Nginx error log-file I found the following: 
> 2022/03/10 22:13:55 [error] 705#0: *240353 upstream sent too big header while 
> reading response header from upstream, client: 10.5.x.x, server: 
> sogo.domain.tld, request: "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/2.0", upstream: 
> "http://10.2.x.x:80/SOGo/connect"; [1], host: "sogo.domain.tld", referrer: 
> "https://sogo.domain.tld/SOGo/ 
> Not sure why the latest nightly requires a larger proxy_buffer in Nginx (?). 
> On 10/03/2022 21.54, Jens Christian Skov ( wrote: 
>> Good day, 
>> Just upgraded my installation to the latest nightly build to 
>> try to solve the issue with autocomplete not working, however this kind of 
>> broke my installation. 
>> When I'm trying to log in on the web interface I get an "Unhandled error 
>> response" in the browser. 
>> Issue seems to be related to the fix for long passwords: 
>> I've deleted the table, restarted both Sogo and the machine. 
>> New table was created allowing for the longer passwords. 
>> When looking at the log-file, I do not see any errors on the back end. 
>> The following is logged when I try to log-in. 
>> Mar 10 21:49:18 sogod [2206]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri 
>> '/SOGo/connect'
>> Mar 10 21:49:19 sogod [2206]: SOGoRootPage successful login from '10.5.x.x, 
>> 10.2.x.x' for user 'u...@domain.tld' - expire = -1  grace = -1
>> Mar 10 21:49:19 sogod [2206]: |SOGo| request took 0.018492 seconds to execute
>> Mar 10 21:49:19 sogod [2206]: 10.5.x.x, 10.2.x.x "POST /SOGo/connect 
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 49/93 0.020 - - 0 - 15 
>> The following is my debug settings in sogo.conf
>> /* Debug */
>> SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
>> SoDebugBaseURL = YES;
>> ImapDebugEnabled = YES;
>> //LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
>> PGDebugEnabled = YES;
>> //MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
>> SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
>> WODontZipResponse = YES;
>> SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES; 
>> This issue only affects log-in from Web.
>> Login using carddav/caldav appears to be working fine. 
>> Thank you in advance for any advice on how to solve this.
>> -- 
>> Venlig hilsen / Kind Regards 
>> Jens Christian Skov 
>> -- 
> -- 
> Venlig hilsen / Kind Regards 
> Jens Christian Skov 
> FLOYD [2] 
> Hammeren 32, 1, 196 
> DK-2630 Taastrup 
> Denmark 
> +45 40 17 79 93 
> This e-mail is intended exclusively for the addressee. If you are not the 
> addressee you must not read, copy, use or disclose the e-mail nor the 
> content; please notify us immediately [by clicking 'Reply'] and delete this 
> e-mail. 
> -- 

[1] http://10.2.x.x:80/SOGo/connect

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