[SOGo] All-day events created in MS Outlook go one day back - SOGo 2.0, MS Exchange connectivity

2012-10-01 Thread mkminek
I have configured MS Outlook with the native MS Exchange connectivity to SOGo. If I create an all-day event in MS Outlook it is correctly displayed in its calendar but in SOGo and in Thunderbird it is displayed one day back. I have the same timezone in SOGo keySOGoTimeZone/key

Re: SOLVED [SOGo] Problems with synchronization between SOGo and Outlook using Funambol – national characters

2012-09-25 Thread mkminek
Finally I got it. Although everything in MySQL was in UTF8 I forgot to add the following into my.cnf [mysqld] ... character_set_server=utf8 character_set_client=utf8 [client] default-character-set=utf8 [mysql] default-character-set=utf8 It's in the manual and I didn't update my.cnf - my mistake.

Re: [SOGo] Problems with synchronization between SOGo and Outlook using Funambol – national characters

2012-09-17 Thread mkminek
Hello, I made several new attempts to solve the quoted printable problem. I updated Funambol with the new Funambol SOGo Connector v1.0.9 but I still face the same problem. I even tried to replace the embeded Java runtime with the latest System version(on Cent OS 6.3) but the problem remains. Just

[SOGo] SOGo 2.0rc5: Problems with openchange-ocsmanager on CentOS 6.3, python-simplejson version problem

2012-09-03 Thread mkminek
I installed and configured the latest 2.0 SOGo release. Everything works correctly except the openchange-ocsmanager. The OpenChange web service immediatelly stops after start. I found in the log: File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 648, in require needed =

[SOGo] Unable to subscribe user to a calendar

2012-06-20 Thread mkminek
I experienced the problem in the web interface. If I invoke the menu on an existing calendar and click on Sharing... I immediately get WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!: in sogo.log. Regardless the message in the log a new window appears and I can find users and