I have Sogo 3.2.1. installed in my institute and it's working fine.
It authenticates users against an LDAP server.
I wanted to configure this as a default:

  SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles = (
     PublicModifier,          // people can modify public objects in my shared
     ConfidentialDAndTViewer, // people can see date and time only of
confidential objects in my shared calendar
     ObjectCreator,           // people can create objects in my shared
     ObjectEraser             // people can delete objects in my shared

so that all calendars newly shared by the user had those settings to the
specified colleagues (usually, for really full-shared calendars with similar
permissions among users).

However, I discovered that by default every calendar is also shared to the
"Authenticated Users", with the above default settings. This is bad, since
doing so everything becomes *really* public, even the "Personal
Calendar" (which, by its name, should be kept personal...).

Is there a way not to have the "Authenticated Users" share by default, so that
users will decide whether to add this special category or not?


  Ivan Andrian


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