Title: BTS activities for Thursday, August 03 2023

BTS Activities

Home page: https://bugs.sogo.nu
Project: SOGo
For the period covering: Thursday, August 03 2023

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
5835 2023-08-03 14:07:46 updated (open) ActiveSync ActiveSync on Debian 12 not working (TBSync and also Android Phone)
5639 2023-08-03 17:11:56 confirmed (open) Apple Calendar (Mac OS X) CalDAV: Mac OS Calendar unable to find existing SOGo calendars and creates a new one.
5787 2023-08-03 08:58:48 closed (fixed) Packaging (Debian) [EDIT] Debian 12 "Bookworm" support
5697 2023-08-03 08:59:27 closed (fixed) Packaging (RedHat) Build packages for CentOS Stream 9, Rocky Linux 9, AlmaLinux 9

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