Hi to all!

I'm trying a few hours, but i can't figure it out.
Do I have to create seperate tables in  the DB for each Domain?
Or how can i define diferent id's for the domains?

at the moment with single domain config, the sogo.conf looks like:

type = sql;
  id = directory;
   viewURL = "postgresql://sogo:p...@pg.xxxx:5432/sogo/users";
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        isAddressBook = YES;
        userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
Is it possible to handle this with a row "ID" in the view table?

and the second question:
is it possible to write the domain config in a separate .conf file and
link it with "include path/to/domain.conf?

thanks for your help!

best regards

Georg Hasibether

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