Le 12-06-14 09:17, Thorsten Meinl a écrit :

We just downloaded the latest ZEG appliance in order to test the outlook
connector. However, we cannot get it to work. The reasons seems to be
that openchange is not running in the VM. If you try to start it by hand
the error "KeyError 'cache_dir'" along with some python stack traces
appears in the ocsmanager.log and the ocsmanager does not start. We
haven't changed anything in the configuration so this is probably an
error in the image?



Hi Thorsten,

This has been fixed in rc3. For rc2, you need to change some lines in /etc/ocsmanager/ocsmanager.ini... in the file, you can see that there is a section named "app:main" that ends with "static_files = true". A bit later there are a few lines. starting with "cache_dir = xxx" and ending with "app_instance_uuid". You should move those 4 lines right after static_files in the "app:main" section and it will work.



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