On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Stephen Ingram <sbing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm experiencing some calendar syncing issues and so turned on
> SOGoDebugRequests to get a closer look. I'll see something like:
> Dec 08 12:36:32 sogod [1941]: |SOGo| starting method 'PUT' on uri
> '/SOGo/dav/steve/Calendar/personal/E9974331-D334-4B7D-BCA5-BA162FEDE138.ics'
> 2015-12-08 12:36:32.613 sogod[1941] missing data for value at index 1
> EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0xb9362c2c> NAME:NSRangeException REASON:Index 0
> is out of range 0 (in 'objectAtIndex:') INFO:{Array = (); Count = 0; Index
> = 0; }
> in the SOGo log. Searching the bug tracker and online, I see references to
> a memcached problem. I restarted both memcached and SOGo itself with no
> improvement.
> Does this error refer to a malformed event file, and event that SOGo can't
> handle, or is it just a bug in SOGo?
> I'm not sure if it's related or not, but I see lots of PROPPATCH request
> attempts with 403 errors. I'm guessing that SOGo doesn't support PROPPATCH
> from users other than the calendar owner, however, I'm not sure why there
> should be a request if there is no support.
> I'm using the latest 2.3.3a on CentOS 6.x.

I'll open a bug report for this.


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