Hi !

I have recenty installed on a Centos 6.5 machine :

SOGO 2.2.7 (stock)
Dovecot 2.1.17 (with metadata plugin)
Postfix 2.11
Apache 2.2.15
MySQL 5.1.73
2 Xeon E5310/1.6GHz, 10GB RAM

The idea was to have Outlook 2013 connect to this setup via ActiveSync.

During trial I copied an existing user mailbox with approx 1000 emails of 
different sizes.
Filesize on disk is approx 250MB.

When this user connects to the SOGO server, I see 3 transactions.
The initial folder sync, a ping and the full sync.
The full sync takes about 3 minutes.
Later syncs take about 35-40 seconds.

Finding this a bit slow, I tried a second machine with Centos 7.
2 Xeon ES2609/2.5GHZ, 32GB RAM

I had to compile SOGO and SOPE from source on this (no packages available for 
Centos 7), but used the same versions - 2.2.7.

I kept Dovecot/Postfix/Apache on the other machine.
I copied over sogo.conf to the new machine.
I pointed the proxy-settings in SOGO.conf to the new SOGO machine.
I pointed the new SOGO machine to the "old" Dovecot/MySQL.
I emptied out the cached settings in MySQL.

So everything was as before, only SOGO itself was moved.

I expected about a 1.5 x speedup.
This was right for the folder sync, ping and full sync.
But - the later syncs took only 4 seconds - a 10 x speedup !

I have tried to find bottlenecks using iftop, iotop and top, but on both 
machines everything seems to be idling along - no hogs, no swapping etc, low IO 
and bandwidth usage.
Only SOGO peaks at 100% on top when it (I assume) is busy sorting the mails for 
the initial sync.

Is this purely because of the self compiled packages, or is there a subtle 
configuration issue I have missed ?
I ask because I would ideally keep SOGO on the first machine.

Sigurd Holter-- 

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