
We have a shared calendar set up for all of our users under one dumm account (called admin). Several people subscribe to this calendar, and we have ACLs set so that all users can modify/add/delete entries.

Some of users can view and edit the calendar fine. One can view the calendar but not add anything. A couple cannot view or edit the calendar. I've tried looking into the database, and the sogo_user_profile folder looks the same for a working and non-working user. The admin[digits]_acl for the shared calendar shows ACLs for both users.

At one point I seemed to be able to solve these kinds of issues by logging in as admin to the web interface, and removing and re-adding the ACLs, and using the "Subscribe User" checkbox in the permissions window. I've tried this and the problem continues for both of the users above.

I don't see any useful errors other than a bunch of these:

2012-06-28 11:06:27.967 sogod[1968] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) length]): called NSNull -length (returns 0) !!!

I'm not sure if they are related to my issue. Does anyone have experience in troubleshooting shared calendars? I'd be willing to share extracts of my database privately if this would help track down the problem.

Thank you,

Lyryx Learning Inc

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