Pg. 5 [7] of Native Microsoft Outlook Configuration 2.0.7:

"Note that if you install Samba 4 on a server that is already running a LDAP service, you will have to change to TCP port on which your LDAP server listens to. Samba 4 will use the TCP port
389 and it can't be changed.

"For example, with OpenLDAP, you can use the -h parameter for slapd to make it listen on an
other TCP port."

It's not working on my ZEG

adam@sogo:~$ sudo netstat -lnptu | grep slapd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1672/slapd tcp6 0 0 :::389 :::* LISTEN 1672/slapd

adam@sogo:~$ sudo slapd -h ldap://localhost:10389

adam@sogo:~$ sudo service slapd restart
 * Stopping OpenLDAP slapd [ OK ]
 * Starting OpenLDAP slapd [fail]

adam@sogo:~$ sudo netstat -lnptu | grep slapd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1672/slapd tcp6 0 0 :::389 :::* LISTEN 1672/slapd

I get the same results if I use 'sudo -i' as 'root' or if I use '' (or any other host alias)

_I see the problem!_  OpenLDAP is not restarting after I change the port.

When I reboot, it retains the default port of '389' (because nothing is changed)

What is keeping the port from changing or OpenLDAP from restarting with the "new" port?

Or, should I be including 'ldaps://' and 'ldapi://' when I don't see them in the port scan?

Thanks!  I'm searching the internet but LDAP can be a bear to understand!

How can I query LDAP to see what's actually running on my server?


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