> Hi All,
> Solr version - 8.8.2, Zookeeper - 3.6.3

> we have 3 zk's configured and there were no changes.
> All of a sudden, we got a error, too many connection from 192.xx.xx.
> maxconnection is 60.
> We stopped all the 3 zk's, cleared data and logs, and tried to restart, we
> get the below error
> myid:1 warn NIOWorkerThread- NIOServerCnxn] close of session
> java.io.IOException - Zookeeper server not running
> at
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.readlenght(nioservercnxn.java:544)
> zoo.cfg configs are as below
> ticktime = 2000
> initLimit = 10
> synclimit = 5
> 4lw.commands.whitelist=mntr,conf,ruok
> maxclientCnxnx=60
> admin.serverPort=8084
> dataDir=g:/solr_home/zookeeper/data
> dataLogDir = g:/solr_home/zookeeper/logs
> server.1=
> server.2=
> server.3 =
> Kindly advice how to fix this and what might be the reason
> *Thanks,*
> *Reej*

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