On 25.04.19 08:05, Brent Clark wrote:
I was going through https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ImproveAccuracy

Just wanted to ask, anyone out there using Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat

So the idea is I declare "good languages"

ok_languages en af
(I declare af, cause I am in South Africa)

Then I score UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY say 0.5 for now as a start.

Can anyone share their experiences, tips.

I've been using it for years, with nice results at least from the beginning.
at least for mail in unwanted language. Just tested in my spam folder, hits
12.5% of spams there. Note that I reject spam scoring too much.

AFAIK, it has/had problems with utf encoding, but if this is fixed, rules
should work great again.

the only issue is that users must set up their wanted languages

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