On 5/2/2023 1:02 PM, Bill Cole wrote:

That is a terrible idea. There are perfectly good reasons for a domain to only sign some mail. Justifying a +3 score on something which is only wrong *IN YOUR HEAD* is hard.

ADSP and DMARC both exist apart from DKIM. It is an entirely valid choice to NOT use them.

Yes, Bill is a voice of reason.  There ARE good reasons to only sign some mail.  Example use case:

I use SPF/DMARC everywhere.   Emails from our servers do not have DKIM signatures.  All is good and management is easy.

However, I have several clients that use ESP contact managers, like ConstantContact.  Constant Contact provides a couple of CNAME records to use for their signing records.  All is good and management continues to be easy.  Everybody is happy. Deliverability is 100%.

Validate a DKIM record IF it exists in an Email.  Honor DMARC policies as you wish.  But IMHO, it is probably not a good idea to go looking for trouble that doesn't exist.

-- Jared Hall

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