SA is only for mail servers?! I wish that had been made clear on the SA website. Even now looking at the homepage and FAQ page I see nothing to that effect. But thank you all who responded for clearing this up. I was beginning to think I must have taken a stupid pill when I woke up this morning. I inferred from Thunderbirds settings "trust junk mail headers set by SA" to mean I needed SA. Apparently not. Not very clear on their part. Thanks to everyone who replied so quickly.

Evan Platt wrote:
It would help to explain what operating system you are using, at what point you are stuck at the installation, what you've read and what you've tried.

Did you look at ?

At 04:26 PM 10/19/2009, amadis wrote:

I usually think of myself as pretty capable with a computer but Spamassassin
and it's website have made me think twice. I took me 20 minutes just to
figure out where this forum was. I feel like Apache is trying to weed out
dunderheads like me from using their product. I swear I cannot understand
80% of what is written on the how to install page. I've spent three hours
now trying to install this program and cannot imagine that this was written
for anyone but a computer programmer. I've searched the internet for help
elsewhere and every conversation  sounds like a foreign language. How is
this user-friendly? I'd really like to support OpenSource but I swear if
someone doesn't show me a SIMPLE way to work this, I'm dumping SA and
Thunderbird and going back to Outlook.

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