Dear Spamassassin Users list:

I'm running version 3.2.4.  A couple of weeks ago, in response to a
blowback storm, I turned on the VBounce ruleset, setting whitelist_bounce_relays
as described on the wiki.  I filtered ANY_BOUNCE_MESSAGE to its own folder,
so I could keep an eye on it.

This seemed to work, until this morning.  Now about half the backscatter
appears to be successfully filtered, while the other half is getting
through.  The overall rate has spiked, from about 2/day to 12 in about
an hour, although it's now calmed down again.

I've tested messages that got through, piping them to 'spamc -R', and sure
enough, no BOUNCE flags.  I tried changing the value of
whitelist_bounce_relays to something else (to make sure the Received header
parsing isn't getting faked out somehow), restarting spamassassin, and
testing again.  Still no BOUNCE flags.  I've also verified that the
messages that did get filtered still properly elicit a BOUNCE flag from

This is weird.  I'm not sure what else to check.  I can make a few messages
available to people who would like to look them over, if that seems


Carlo Graziani                                 (773) 702-7973 (Voice)
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics       (773) 702-6645 (FAX)
University of Chicago
5640 South Ellis Avenue     |  If the free market really allocates resources
Chicago, IL 60637           |  efficiently, why does LA have four times as
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  many plastic surgeons as brain surgeons?

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