Re: Re-route spam for all users to a single mailbox?

2007-01-10 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
On the social side, the other reason to think twice about doing this is that false positives happen. If you intercept all tagged mail, your users won't get the chance to review their spam, and conversely you might find yourself with private email (someone's x-rated note, perhaps, or mortgage info?

Re: Concerned with scores for from

2006-10-23 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
JADP - the rfc-ignorant rules lost us some important email today. The customer was throwing away all mail tagged as SPAM after many months of no false positives. I've turned those rules off on my site, and continue as always to encourage my users to check their tagged mail before tossing it. IMHO

Re: Q. about spam directed towards highest MX Record?

2006-10-18 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
I too get a trickle of legitimate mail going to my higher-numbered server. Many are coming from the central university Exchange server. I suspect what happens is that it gets one "try again later" and then caches the address of the secondary for a while. Spamassassin is *tagging* over 97% of the e

Spamassassin meltdown: Interrupted system calls and try again later messages:

2006-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
I'm running Spamassassin 3.1.4, spamass-milter 0.3.1, sendmail 8.13.8 (all from the Blastwave builds) on a Sun 220R running Solaris 9. I upgraded to the very latest versions last Tuesday. On Wednesday I saw some "451 4.3.2 Please try again later"  messages, gradually increasing until  now I am get

Re: SA Being Bypassed?

2005-05-22 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
I'm sorry, I shoudln't post late at night. I am running SA as a sendmail milter. And of course SA is happy to filter again mail which has been filtered once - but I would love some way to tell it NOT to. I have an external relay running SA, and I can guarantee that any mail sent from the external

Re: SA Being Bypassed?

2005-05-22 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
If you figure it out I'd love to know how you did it - I have been wanting to set SA up so that it is running on my external and internal relay hosts, but nothing from the external would get filtered by the internal (since it's already been through the filter on the external...) sounds like you've

German Spam followup

2005-05-16 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
Thanks for all the pointers to the cf files for this particular virus. We have one installed and it is working fine - for this time. Since I have legitimate users communicating all over the world, I am very interested in other rulesets that would block spam in languages besides English. Not sure

Re: Bombarded by German political spam

2005-05-16 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
Thanks, just put it in! > > - the often seen "Lese selbst" is scored 4 Just curious, what's that mean to the spammers? google translates it as "vintage"

Re: Bombarded by German political spam

2005-05-16 Thread Elizabeth Schwartz
Does anyone have any good generic german spam filter rulesets? We have some legitimate German users, so I don't want to start blacklisting, and I worry that filtering one specific header at a time is a lost cause... thanks Betsy