

Since installing SpamAssassin on my company's Exchange server, I wanted
to make kludging  through potential spam/ham messages faster than using
the slow remote desktop interface that is in place.


I wrote a program which allows an admin to quickly scan SA-filtered
messages, and move them to the Learn-Ham or Learn-Spam directories with
single keystrokes. I have found the program quite useful, and want to
share it (source and application) with whomever is interested.


I coded the application in VB.NET using MS's free Visual Studio.NET
Express 2008, so I guess it could be ported to other OS's that use Mono
too. Not sure if it would be totally useful in that environment, but as
I strongly believe in open source software, I want to contribute where I


If you're interested, please drop me a line at


Best regards,

- Peter


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