Re: MySQL error?

2007-01-15 Thread Ray Anderson
Look in the for these lines, or (if mysql is being used) look in the userpref table and delete the rows that have those entries. Had the same issue and that cleared it up. -=R Doc Schneider wrote: I'm seeing this in a server I just upgraded from 3.0.6 to 3.1.7 My thoughts are this

Re: blows up on maillog covering turn of year

2007-01-02 Thread Ray Anderson
Bob McClure Jr wrote: as distributed with SA v3.1.7 blows out a ton of WARNING: ignoring future date in syslog line: Dec 31 20:26:56 bubba spamd[7149]: prefork: child states: II and the like, and ends up reporting zeros for results. Another machine with the same

Re: insider information slipping through

2006-12-23 Thread Ray Anderson
Debbie D wrote: Can someone try and help me understand why this keeps slipping through.. in 2+ days I have 40 or more of these to various addresses of my own on the server (Thanks Theo for the link) Scores for me: Content analysis details: (19.5

Re: Tarpits are fun!

2006-12-12 Thread Ray Anderson
Nicely done! John D. Hardin wrote: {snicker!} Dec 12 09:48:03 ga : Initial Connect - tarpitting: 60241 - x.x.x.x 25 Dec 12 09:44:20 ga : Initial Connect - tarpitting: 53486 - x.x.x.x 25 * Dec 12 12:16:30 ga : Initial Connect - tarpitting: 14526

Re: Good source for IP addresses by country

2006-12-12 Thread Ray Anderson
My $.02, (and that's about all it's worth). I was running a server with 1and1 who uses ip address blocks assigned to Amsterdam. The server was physically located in New York City. I had several customers who could not send mail outbound because people hate to receive mail from Amsterdam.

Re: required_score aggressive ??

2006-12-06 Thread Ray Anderson
I use a required_score of 3 and so far have had zero positives (more than 3 years running). I have customers that also run 3 and have opted to have the server /discard/ the message (not quarantine, but /DISCARD/) if it is identified as spam. So far none of those users have complained about

New spam

2006-12-04 Thread Ray Anderson
Hello, I've been lurking for a while and had just recently decided to try to put the FuzzyOCR on my spam filtering machine, when I found the following incredibly obfuscated stock spam (link at bottom of message) The question is this: Will FuzzyOCR find/detect the garbage in this image or is

Re: Prevent scanning internal mail

2006-11-30 Thread Ray Anderson
Craig Morrison wrote: Gary V wrote: Exactly. How you prevent sending the message through SA is not a function of SA itself, but of the implementation, and because of the large number of implementations and configurations I question whether it would be practical (or even related) to provide

Re: I've got TORA.08 spelled with numbers?

2006-11-17 Thread Ray Anderson
Wouldn't a better solution to be check the e-mail for NOT having any alpha chars? All numbers seems like a no-brainer to me, but I'm fairly new at this. :) Something like Body ~= /[^a-zA-A]/ ? Cheers, -=Ray Justin Mason wrote: this seems to catch them: header __MAILER_OL_6626

Alt text getting through

2005-01-28 Thread Ray Anderson
I made a custom rule in to score the following with 5: describe custom_body_checksCustom Body Checks score custom_body_checks5 rawbody __bc_0 /%RND_ALT/I meta custom_body_checks ( __bc_0 ) But it is not catching that phrase in the inbound e-mail.

RE: Investor and Stock spam

2005-01-27 Thread Ray Anderson
Err.. body STOCK_SPAM /inf0rmati(O|0)n|st0ck|profi\|e|invest0rs|pr0file|y0urse(l|\|)f|wil\||symb(o |0)\|/ is more efficient.. and still will catch that crap in the subject line also. D Please excuse my ignorance Would you want to make this a rawbody check so mime-embedded

Body checks not identifying spam

2005-01-12 Thread Ray Anderson
I'm thinking it's because the message is in multi-part embedded multi-part mime mail, but I'm not sure. I'm stuck running 2.55 for another 3 months or so before I move to FC3, so until then, does anyone have any advice? This is the second message that's like this, and I'm sure the numbers are

Spamassassin help

2004-12-22 Thread Ray Anderson
: SpamAssassin 2.55 ( -=Ray Ray Anderson System Development Manager 916.788.2444 (Office) 916.798.9439 (Mobile) PRIDE Industries [EMAIL PROTECTED] http