At 12:04 PM 05/10/2006, you wrote:
Jean-Paul Natola wrote:

> spamd -m
> and what would be an ideal number to set it  ?
> I came in this morning , got a bunch of those swap message , and my VM is at
> 86% right now

As Chris S already said, there's no hard-fast rule here. However, here's a rule
of thumb to start with:

1) Use ps aux or top to find the RSS of your largest spamd instance. This will
likely be somewhere around 30M, unless you're using some really large add-on
sets. If your answer here is over 60M, see my footnotes on reducing memory use.

2) Add an extra 4M to this, to cover extra storage for data. If you're passing
-s to spamc, use 16 times the parameter (default is 250k, *16 = 4M). I'm going
to pretend my total is 34M. (Yes, I know 16* is generous, but this is a rule-of
thumb here)

3) Find out how much free memory you have without spamd running. If you use
linux I'd suggest running "free" and look at the free column next to "-/+
buffers/cache:". I'll pretend we have 512M here.

4) Divide the free memory by your answer from 2. That should give you a good
rough-estimate number to work with.

As an alternative to the above, you can calculate an approximate upper limit
for "m" by taking the resulting memory size calculated in step 2  and dividing
the total memory in the system by the step 2 number and rounding down i.e. if the
result is 15.6 use 15. This is an upper limit for "m". Try this number
or one slightly lower and look at your swap space usage and swapping I/O
rates, if you still show signs of excessive swapping after letting the system
stabilize with the new value of "m" then try a lower value of "m" until
one is found that doesn't cause significant swapping. (If you can't
find such a value then you either need to lower the spamd memory footprint
using Matt's suggestions and/or add more memory).

Lyle Evans
rackmount brackets for many networking and ISP chassis

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