You see, it does not allow me to unsubscribe.

Some goofball running the SA list (or a server front-end for the list)
decided to 100% block on incoming email to the list with the SORBS dynamic
IP list (which is high false positives).

Now, the problem is, and what makes this list now a spam source, is that I
have no way to unsubscribe my email account that was allowed to sign up to
the list months ago, but is now not worthy to post with.

I am using a standard fixed IP address business class DSL (paid extra for
it), as more and more small companies are doing these days. I follow all
the rules, and I am not black listed for spamming anyone.

Now it would seem intuitive to me that an SA list would have more trust in
the SA program to tag or block spammers that to rely on a high false
positive dynamic IP list for 100% blocking, but I guess maybe I expect too
much from SA list these days? Maybe I got lucky setting my SA up to block
nearly 100% of spam but the list owners (or someone) can't figure out how
to use it.

So, here is my dilemma. I can't unsubscribe from the other account (this
list has it blocked as I described), and there is no alternate method
presented in the emails from the list (such as a weblink to opt-out).

So, I feel in all good conscience I must now report this list as a ‘spam

If you sign up to a list that won't let you unsubscribe, isn't that one of
the key indicators of spam? I know that will get you a block at most all
major ISP systems these days real quick, which would probably be hard to
get off of.

What do others think?

SA list spam source now?


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