Looks like it doesn't mean anything.

The config parsing code ultimately resolves that text to a number here: https://github.com/logrotate/logrotate/blob/471f115b18fa8b7dfafecc74f76e34c14d090620/config.c#L1311

stroutll is a standard library function, documented here: https://linux.die.net/man/3/strtoull

On 8/8/2022 5:36 PM, joe a wrote:
This is OT, but perhaps someone here knows.

In the context of the logrotate conf file, what does the + sign indicate when used as a prefix size directive?

Example: "size +4096k"

Some conf files have it, some don't.  Man pages do not mention it AFAICT and the internet is rather seems to ignore it.

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