
Im sure y'all have covered this before :) Though I might ask cause I cant
seem to find an answer.

I have a sparc 5 running Qmail/Cyrus/Procmail/OpenBSD 3.5 on a sparc 5
/100 MHZ and Spamassassin(Is this or is this not a testament to how well
this software is written!) . The problem is if I tail the maillog file I
can see it proclaiming something is SPAM but it doesnt actually rewrite
the subject line of the email.  What are the relevant settings in
local.cf? Is there something im missing :(

Is it possible to make sure its checking the RBL's when mail comes in. I
Installed Pyzor are there other possibly better databases?

And finally, are there any decent virus scanners out there for those who
are Windows impaired :)

Thanks for all you help :) and thanks for a great product...

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