Whitelisting a host?

2005-06-03 Thread mailsec2
Hi, can i whitelisting a host? If yes, how can i do this ? Thanx Peter

Where to get Filter descriptions

2005-05-31 Thread mailsec2
Hi, where can i get an good decription for the common SA Filters like SARE_SUB_SION_OB1 ?? Thanx Peter

Whitelisting Word or Phrases

2005-05-27 Thread mailsec2
Hi, it ist possible to whitlist word or phrases? In my blacklist i've got the most freemailer adresses like hotmail, gmx lycos a.s.o. But sometimes i got ebay responses or online contacts from people who uses freemail adresses. it is possible to whitelist phrases like Ebay antwort or online