I'm trying to get the following line to work in my user_prefs file:

whitelist_from_rcvd *bankofamerica.com bankofamerica.com

Of course, this works:

whitelist_from *bankofamerica.com

So, the simple whitelist_from works, but the whitelist_from_rcvd does not
work.  Why is this?  Looks like I have some kind of RDNS problem,  I run
this command to test this premise:

cat ham.mbox | spamassassin -dtD >temp 2>temp2

When I run the above command, I get the following lines in temp2:

Aug 29 05:38:06.860 [3328] dbg: config: trusted_networks are not
configured; it is recommended that you configure trusted_networks manually
Aug 29 05:38:06.862 [3328] dbg: received-header: parsed as [
ip= rdns= helo=ealerts.bankofamerica.com
by=box458.bluehost.com ident=
id=1ZUW6y-0005yO-RQ auth= msa=0 ]
Aug 29 05:38:06.862 [3328] dbg: received-header: do not trust any hosts
from here on
Aug 29 05:38:06.862 [3328] dbg: received-header: relay
trusted? no internal? no msa? no
Aug 29 05:38:06.863 [3328] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
Aug 29 05:38:06.864 [3328] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted: [
ip= rdns= helo=ealerts.bankofamerica.com
by=box458.bluehost.com ident=
id=1ZUW6y-0005yO-RQ auth= msa=0 ]
Aug 29 05:38:06.864 [3328] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Internal:
Aug 29 05:38:06.864 [3328] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-External: [
ip= rdns= helo=ealerts.bankofamerica.com
by=box458.bluehost.com ident=
id=1ZUW6y-0005yO-RQ auth= msa=0 ]

I notice that the above line has a 'rdns=' which would seem to suggest that
rdns did not work, right?  I barely know what rdns is, so that's why I'm
asking such a basic question.

The above debug lines also mentions bankofamerica.com.  Bank of America is
my credit card company.  The above ham email is a ham credit card email.
Of course, I also get spoof Bank of America emails that are spam.  I'd like
to be able to differentiate the real from the fake, thus my interest
in whitelist_from_rcvd.

I run spamassassin under Debian Linux and Kmail is my email client.  Kmail
filters my email through spamassassin.  My email is retrieved from my
hosting company, Bluehost via SMTP  Bluehost has the actual email server,
not me.  The only thing I"m running on my computer is Kmail and
spamassassin.  Also, I run my own DNS server because I'm told that this is
necessary to conserve resources for certain blocklists.

I notice all my ham emails have the following false positive:

 0.8 RDNS_NONE              Delivered to internal network by a host with no

Here's the heart of my question:  Am I failing to do RDNS or is it my
hosting company Bluehost?  I assume that they know what they are doing, so
it must be me.

Here's my version of spamassassin:

spamassassin -V
SpamAssassin version 3.3.1
  running on Perl version 5.10.1

Is there anything I can configure to get this to work correctly?  Is it
spamassassin that needs configuration?  Is it the DNS server I run at the
same time I run spamassassin and Kmail that needs to be configured?
Do I need to go into my hosting account and configure something?

I'm a bit lost as to what to do next.  I tried this:


However, I suspect that setting the internal_networks and the
trusted_networks is not the right way to do things.  The
IP address is from the above debug lines and is probably specific to
Bank of America only, right?  So it is really not part of my trusted

By the way.   The above 2 lines for internal_networks and trusted_networks
did work.  I suspect, though, that this is a hack that is too specific to
be a good general solution.

Thanks to anyone who has read this far!  All answers are appreciated!  I
know very little about either spamassassin or RDNS.


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