
If you currently use The Spamhaus Project's free DNSBLs and make queries via Cloudflare DNS resolvers, you need to change your configuration. This will ensure you don't have any interruption to your service.

As of Tue, February 15th, the Project will begin restricting access to its blocklists for those querying via Cloudflare DNS.

Why? The Spamhaus Project's Terms of Use (https://www.spamhaus.org/organization/dnsblusage/) outline that it doesn't allow users to query via DNS resolvers where there is no attributable reverse DNS; this includes Cloudflare.

This is to protect the free service for those it's intended for, i.e., non-commercial low-volume users. Some organizations try to hide behind unattributable DNS and make queries outside the Fair Use Principles, reducing the quality of the service for everyone.

To keep being protected by free DNSBLs and avoid issues with your email stream, we recommend that Cloudflare users start accessing the blocklists via the free Data Query Service (DQS), which you can sign up for here: https://www.spamhaus.com/free-trial/sign-up-for-a-free-data-query-service-account/

Changing your configuration should only take a matter of minutes. Once you've signed up and verified your email address, you will get access to a "DQS key" to include in your configuration. These config changes take only minutes; see our technical docs (https://docs.spamhaus.com/datasets/docs/source/40-real-world-usage/index.html) for more detail.

To provide a clear signal to users that the Project's DNSBLs are not protecting their email, Spamhaus will return an error code; If you haven't set up your email servers to accept this error code, all emails could be rejected and returned to their sender.

To ensure you continue being protected, for free, with our IP and domain DNSBLs, please move to the DQS.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please use the contact form here: https://www.spamhaus.com/#contact-form

Best regards,
Riccardo Alfieri

Spamhaus Technology

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