Upgrade question 2.64 > 3.1.0

Can anyone shed some light on a basic upgrade question:

I am upgrading from a 2.64 version to 3.10 I have AWL running (site wide) and am unclear how the upgrade will handle the existing auto-whitelist.pag file? In fact it looks like by default the new version creates a new version of the db which i assume is now in a Berkeley db format.

I also understand that 3.1.0 handles AWL in a slightly different fashion, ie it has been moved to a plugin and it is by default turned on, and can support writing to a berkeleydb format but am wondering if i will loose the large repository of existing AWL data i have from the 2.64 version?

Is there a step I missed that will allow one to port the data from an existing AWL db to the new supported method's db format ?

thanks for any clues...john

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