I do not think this is directly related to spamassassin, but googling
has produced hits all over the map from perl, to Berkeley DB, and none
seem to be recient.

I noticed that spamassassin was not learning after I did an upgrade to
perl 5.8.5. In running sa-learn with a -D I found that DB_File.pm was
missing. So I down loaded DB_File.pm compiled and tested it with no

Now when I run sa-learn or I do a spamassassin -r. I get a warning about
Deep recursion in the DB_File.pm module and my system gets IO bound
until all memory and swap space is consumed and it dies with an out of
memory error.

I had down loaded a new version of DB_File.pm so I went back to the
older version which did not help. So I change the link for perl back to
perl 5.8.1 and the problem goes away. So that leaved me wondering if
there is some other perl component that needs rebuilding against the new
version of perl or something else.

Configuration is:
Solaris 9 on sparc platform
Perl 5.8.5
Spamassassin 2.64
Razor 2.61
DB_File 1.810
Berkeley DB 4.1.25



David Highley                 Phone: (206) 669-0081
Highley Recommended, Inc.       FAX: (253) 838-8509
2927 SW 339th Street          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Federal Way, WA 98023-7732      WEB: http://www.highley-recommended.com

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