On Sun, 2013-03-24 at 11:05 +0000, Sharma, Ashish wrote:

> I have encoded the harmful filename '<script>alert(1)</script>tes.txt'
> to base64 and added them into the email as it's allowed as per RFC
> 2047 in email headers and is a valid form.
> This is bypassing the spam rule that you created earlier and posted.
In that case it looks as though the MimeHeader plugin doesn't recognise
base64 encoded values for names or filenames and doesn't decode them.

I didn't write or maintain the MIMEHeader plugin: I just use it. If this is a 
major issue for your mail stream, I suggest you raise a bug against the plugin 
requesting that RFC 2047 compliance be implemented. 
> as I could not find relevant spamassassin documentation on 'mimeheader'.
I would agree that the plugin's documentation is minimal: I would not have been 
able to use it if some kind person hadn't posted example rules on this list.


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