On 2/26/2014 10:57 AM, Kris Deugau wrote:
> Try enabling the RPMForge "extras" repository - it's disabled by default
> because all or most of the packages there conflict or overwrite packages
> from the base distro.

My rule for the past few years when dealing with the "catch-all" 3rd
party repositories like RPMForge, ATRPMs, EPEL, and a few others is that
you should always make use of the "includepkgs=" line and only let
through the absolute minimum number of RPMs needed to get up and running.

For instance, my [rpmforge] entry in /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo has
the following:

includepkgs=amavisd-new spamassass* clam* perl* lha zoo ripole unrar
cabextract altermime freeze arc unarj p7zip nomarch

All of the other [rpmforge-*] sections have:


This has kept the breakage from doing a "yum update" to a minimum.

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