
Sometimes, don't know exactly when... When people receive email through our
mail mta Linux Redhat AS 3.0 Taroon update 3 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp (Postfix +
Trend(IMSS 5.5) + SA 3.0.3 then third party mail server with attachment of
about 2Mo, the attachment is "destroyed" when passed over spamassassin scan.
Here is a log sample. You can see original mail size :
from=<sender>, size=2295839, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
to=<recipient>, relay=localhost[], delay=6, status=sent (250 Ok:
queued as 2353F73545) ---> Trend Filter IMSS 5.5
from=<sender>, size=2296058, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
from=<sender>, size=2381, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

After passing through SA, the email size is about 2381 instead of 2295839
I know that SA bypass scan of email >250ko but i think mail is "look at" just
to check size and then directly forwarded to the next transport.

Perhaps i'm wrong and there is no pipe is mail is >250k

I've check antivirus log and the transaction went ok

The result is that le recipient receive the email but with no trace of the
Last time, it was with a pdf file 2Mo
Help would be very appreciated !


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