> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel Saliba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Logging for Spam Mail Caught
> Hi All
> I am new to this mailing list.
> I am currently trying to write in a .procmailrc some logic to 
> add to a 
> log file some details about spam that has been caught and it's header 
> tagged.  I am currently running Spamassassin 2.6.3.  Is there 
> a simple 
> way to do this?
> Regards, Noel

Do you have access to the mail log?  If so you might want to search the 
archives for the term "stats".  There have been several posted scripts that can 
help you with this.  Most notably there have been a few different versions of a 
script called "sa-stats.pl"


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