Hi Robert,
(response inline)

On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 10:44 -0700, Robert Leonard wrote:
> As a follow-up to my previous post...
> The error I see is like this..
> When I run the rdj script it tries to locate itself in the
> default /etc/spamassassin folder.. ignoring the fact that in the
> RDJ_CONFIGFILE I changed the SA default to /etc/mail/spamassassin..  I
> have the config file in the correct location, as per where Chris
> searches for it.. the permissions are 777 on it...  RDJ just doesn't
> seem to see it, so it goes with it's own defaults..
> Does that help my case at all??
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Robert Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:56 AM
> To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
> Subject: RDJ Questing...
>  I've gotten SA 3.0 in and running, but am having trouble installing
> RDJ!  I expected just the opposite!  :) 
> For some reason the current rules_du_jour script just can't or won't
> see my config file..  Anybody out there point me in the right
> direction here??  Thanks!!!!
> I've got the following setup: 
> The RDJ Script is at: 
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/RulesDuJour/rules_du_jour 
> The config file is at: 
> /etc/mail/rulesdujour/RDJ_CONFIGFILE 

Try moving your config file from /etc/mail/rulesdujour/RDJ_CONFIGFILE
to /etc/mail/rulesdujour (a file named rulesdujour, not a file located
in a dir named rulesdujour) or any of the other locations hardcoded in
the script:
/etc/rulesdujour/config /etc/rulesdujour /etc/mail/rulesdujour 
/etc/sysconfig/RulesDuJour /etc/sysconfig/rulesdujour

Finally, if you don't like any of those locations, you can invoke RDJ
with the RDJ_CONFIGFILE environment variable pre-set, eg:


> My Config file looks like this... 
> SA_DIR="/etc/mail/spamassassin"; 
> SA_RESTART="/etc/init.d/spamassassin restart"; 

Chris Thielen

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