Hello Matt,
Friday, April 15, 2005, 10:29:14 AM, you wrote:

MK> Also, did you restart spamd after installing chickenpox.cf?  If you use
MK> spamd/spamc, then spamd only loads the base config files once and only 
MK> reads user_prefs on a per-message basis when spamc feeds them.

Serious lack of caffeine on my end. Forgot to restart. Thanks.

MK> The spamassassin command line on the other hand reads everything from 
MK> scratch each time it's called.

Thanks for the info.

"If I must write the truth, I am disposed to avoid every assembly of
bishops; for of no synod have I seen a profitable end, but rather an
addition to than a diminution of evils; for the love of strife and the
thirst for superiority are beyond the power of words to express."  ~ Father
Gregory Nazianzen, 381 AD
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