Apparently I am not sure if bayes is "autolearning"
I am on a shared host service  (midphase)
which uses cPanel and has exim do the spamassassin stuff.
They use my "scores" but ignore other commands.
When I get a message I think I shouldn't have I
save it and run spamc < mmmmm  > mmmm.out inorder to
see the X-Spam-report (which is Not included in ham !)

My userprefs is always available at

I have not manually trained bayes.

John Hardin wrote:
On Tue, 25 Aug 2009, Dennis German wrote:

email with this content:


received these scores

X-Spam-testscores: BAYES_00=-2.599,HTML_MESSAGE=0.001,MISSING_HEADERS=5.7,

Does this indicate that bayes needs tuning/learning?

Can you paste the output from "sa-learn --dump magic" ?

It probably indicates that Bayes has been mistrained - somebody is training spammy messages as ham.

How do you do your Bayes training? Autolearning, or purely manual, or some combination?

How many messages are getting inappropriate Bayes scores? If a lot are, you'll probably want to turn off autolearning (if you're using it) until you analyze the problem. You may need to wipe your Bayes database and start fresh if the problem is bad enough.

If you're using autolearning, what are your learning thresholds?

If you're manually training, do you keep your corpora so that you can review and correct errors? If so, review your ham corpora and see if any spams have crept in - and if so, retrain them as spam, SA will forget that they were hammy.

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